Since agricultural performance and profitability are closely linked to the well-being of skilled and unskilled farmers within a rural community, Benethea strives to do the following:
This project is going to mitigate the poor social conditions and poverty that has been hindering the inhabitants from delivering their inputs and exercising their skills.
April 2016, Peter Bruce Anbainbu and Dorothea Anbainbue from Weissenthurm, Germany acquired 47 hectares of land at Eleh, Mbueni somewhere in the North West Region of Cameroon.
The area is made up of forest at the fringes and flat savanah including natural boundaries hemmed in by two rivers on the lengths and forests on the width limits.
Efficient organic production of safe, high quality agricultural products, in a way that protects and improve;
Cocoa will be intercropped with maize for the first three years in a rainfed cocoa production cycle. This is to ensure that there is consistency in the supply of maize for local and national consumption while waiting for the cocoa farm to become established.
The paved Bambui-Fundong road passes through densely populated villages with a very high demand for maize which is the staple food in the region. As for the cash crop, middlemen like OLAM Cameroon are in a constant need of cocoa produce.
Note: One of the most suitable crop to have been intercropped in the Cocoa farm would have been plantains. But because it is quite a distance from the farm to the nearest possible motorable road, the transportation of the ready plantains after harvest would be problematic and inconvenient for individuals to carry due to their heavy masses. Reason why maize has been selected because after harvest, it would be dried in a farm house that is going to be constructed in due course. Hence, the transportation to motorable road is going to be less problematic.
Due to financial constraints hindering the Cooperative from purchasing modern farming equipments such tractors, the Benethea Project would solely rely on man-power i.e. manual work.
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